"No Theme" Theme - A simple theme that removes shuriken bulletpoints and the upvote animation text.Standard Theme - the default subreddit theme.For more features, check out the Github page.Edit your comment? Bot reply not there? Reply with ffnbot!refresh to re-link fics.You can link multiple fics by using semicolons.Įx: linkffn(The Lives Worth Saving Sage).Linking by fic ID or URL will always work.Linking by fic title and author will almost always work.Įx: linkffn(The Lives Worth Saving by cywsaphyre).Linking by fic title will usually work.Check out /u/Tusing's Github page for more technical info!.It is available on /r/NarutoFanfiction by his good graces, so send your thanks his way! We all really appreciate it. /u/FanfictionBot was developed by /u/Tusing for /r/HPFanfiction./r/NarutoAkiden - A fan-made reboot of the Naruto manga./r/WritingPrompts - A great place to flex your creative muscles.
#Bruto back intime fanficntion professional

Comments and Criticism - Topics to Thaw Brainfreeze by Tabetharasa on Tumblr.
#Bruto back intime fanficntion how to
Treat sensitive topics (rape, incest, etc.) as just that.Įxcellent Resources How to Leave Constructive Reviews Anything goes, but please be aware of the humans on the other side of the screen. NSFW posts are okay, just please PLEASE be sure to tag them as such. Non-tagged self-promotion posts will be removed. Self promotion is allowed, but you MUST TAG IT AS SUCH. Post and discuss all story ideas in the story ideas thread, found here. If your recommended fic is self promotion, mark it as self promotion instead. EXPLAIN WHY YOU ARE RECOMMENDING THE FIC. Give a description of the story, rating, and word-count of the story (if available) in the text field, as well as a link to the story. Give the title and author of the story in the submission's headline. LOW EFFORT FIC REQUEST POSTS ARE NOT ALLOWED. If you mention a fic, please link back to it, either using FanfictionBot or a link. "LF a fic where Naruto went back in time to save his dad but failed"), then please tag your post as Fic Search.

Any crossover, any pairing, any genre or rating - just please follow the below rules before submitting. Any style of story is allowed, as long as it is entertaining to someone.